Cassandra Button

Aug 25, 20193 min

The difference between a ‘old’ centre and a cared for centre

Updated: Aug 27, 2019

Over the past week I have had the privilege to be in a different state and visit a variety of services each day. Through these visits I have seen a wide range of environments, and even though some are close to each other, such as a street away, I found they all were so unique. Unique is wonderful I think this should be celebrated however, some brought a whole new level of inspiration for me, and some making me ponder and feel very underwhelmed. Seeing various environments especially where services were close to each other or even rural, helped bring that confirmation to me of how the environment, and the connection to your community is what makes a difference. I understand that service’s are either not all purpose built, but that should not stop you for building a quality space that is welcoming to visitors, families and children. All too often people look at their environment and just ‘deal’ with what they have, ‘that’s the ways it always been’ is said a lot. But what if you looked at your environment in new eyes, what if instead of walking into your service and going on with your business, adding materials to the table and more pictures on the walls, you actually looked at the whole centre’s presentation? No matter who you are, a child, parent, educator or visitor, it is your first impressions that set the scene, that help build that emotional response and make you be a point of difference to that centre that is a street away.

This is easy for me to say this because as I walked into a service, even after getting very lost and being flustered, I walked in and I immediately felt a sense of calm. I could breathe, I was in absolute awe of the visual space, and yes I was greeted by something whom was calm and presented herself well, but this is because of the environment she has created. As I walk through the service I see nature all around that is not perfect but not out of control, I see tables with activities, a specific colour in a upcycled glass, a home corner that is full of light, well presented materials, shelving with materials well spaced out, family connections seen throughout the service, the children school bags were in the office (space right!) and I could keep going on how well this place utilised the space and ensured it had a sense of calm and community connection but I won’t, oh but did I mention it was over 100 years old, crazy right!. So here it is a centre that I immediately feel calm, and to which each educator is calm, there is no sign of stress, which then reflects onto the children and families as they arrive, each child happy, supported and engaged start to finish, and the best thing of all, no challenging behaviours. How nice would it be if you could go to work with a spring in your step, your excited for the day ahead and where you remain happy, energised and enthusiastic, AND even go home calm and happy. .

I could give an example of the services that created a different feel where I seen that had pictures all over the walls, clutter on the shelves, educators not sitting, furniture at the foyer dirty and not cared for, but we all know where I lead to in regards to how I felt, how the children were, but I’m not going to paint that picture. As I wanted to give the example of what could be, what an environment can do in a positive manner. So when your entering your centre next, don’t just walk in and start your day, walk in the front gate and ask yourself, how do I feel, how does this space make me feel and why. From here you will be able to have a sense of how other view and feel your service, and know if change needs to happen and where to start. This task is not easy I know, because for some of you the service is your home, your safe place, your baby and to change it and criticise it is hard. But hate to break to you, change is good, especially if it has to happen. SPROUTS can help with the ease of this, because how much easier is it to be told how someone else feels, how someone else thinks the change could happen, and someone else to set the goals and strategies. If your in a service that knows it needs change but don’t know where to start SPROUTS can help, SPROUTS can make your working life a happy, inviting and a enthusiastic place that you wont want to leave. Reach out today and bring the excitement back into work

